Spring is here and it’s time to get my hive ready. The bees had been closed up for the winter, trying to stay warm and protect their queen. They were not successful.
When I opened the hive it was full of dead bees. I think there might have been too much moisture in the hive.
I get most of my bees and bee supplies from HillCo Bees in Minonk, IL. I checked and I had missed the first bee delivery date for spring but I could still get a nuc, that’s what I got. 1 nuc, which is a 5 frame starter. I get a marked queen, a bunch bees, and brood that’s already going. I needed a head start into the spring. I also got a box for pick up in May. The plan is to have 2 hives and get as much honey as I can. Last year did not produce much honey for us at all. I’m hopeful for a better season.

Part of my plan for a better season is sharing a setup with my friend nearby who is also a beekeeper. The hope is that with his 2 hives and my 2 hives we have a better shot at keeping everyone healthy. We are also hopeful that we can start a nuc from them.

I picked up my nuc and put them in their new home. It was a cold day, only in the 40s. It was also sleeting off and on. Not ideal for putting bees into a hive but it had to be done. We even had a little help from my friend’s dog.

I’m excited to see how this goes.