“As our intention is, so will be our progress; and he who desires perfection must be very diligent. If the strong willed man fails frequently, what of the man who makes up his mind seldom or half-heartedly? Many are the ways of failing in our resolutions; even a slight omission of religious practice entails a loss of some kind”
Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ
This was from my morning reading. There have been many insights from this collection of Thomas à Kempis’ writings, but this one was particularly important to me as I begin this year. Not with resolutions in mind, but with the focus to intentionally create and maintain some beneficial habits in my life centered around health, mental wellness, and faith.
I wrote previously about focusing on joy and sabbath this year. This quote has direct application towards my efforts to create good spiritual disciplines in my life. I want a closer, more intimate relationship with God. Not just for myself but for the people around me. When I’m close to Jesus, I’m a better husband, father, friend, coworker, mentor, and citizen. I to be known and seen as a joyful person who shines with the the love of Jesus.
I’ve also refocused myself on my physical health. I have gained back some of the weight and lost some of my fitness over the past year that I had previously succeeded in. As I reflect back on the year, I can see that I lost my intention to be healthy. I lived in the moment for what I wanted to enjoy now and not the future and what I wanted to enjoy then.
My wife and my children are important to me. Spending time outside hiking, camping, canoeing, play games are all important to me. Working with my hands and using my body to to physical work is important to me. Therefore I must have intention to maintain and improve my fitness and health in order to make progress towards this future.