It’s that time of year again.
Time to rejoice.
Time to worship.
Time to be thankful.
Time to celebrate.
It’s also a time to remember. This year I’m remembering several people that I’ve lost in my life. This year has had its pain and its sadness. Losing my mom at the beginning of the year was hard. Losing my friend at the end was a gut punch. But this Christmas season has been an especially joyful one because I’ve remembered the reason we celebrate. I remember that even though there is pain and suffering in this life, there is hope for the life to come. There is comfort in this current life that eases the pain and difficulty.
As I look back at this past year, I’m so thankful for each and every experience I had.
I’m thankful for a supportive and loving wife.
I’m thankful for health and wellness.
I’m thankful for work that I love.
I’m thankful for kids sports.
I’m thankful for birthdays to celebrate.
I’m thankful for land to hunt and deer to harvest.
I’m thankful for talented children.
I’m thankful for friendship.
I’m thankful for community.
I’m thankful for the Word of God that always rings true and His love that never fails.
2021 has been another adventure and I’m sure that 2022 will be much of the same. I am praying that the Lord will continue to strengthen and sustain us. May His grace be upon all of us. Love your neighbors. Be kind and gentle. Use your words to build up and not destroy. And most of all, give thanks. Thanks that a loving God send his only son to take our place and pay the price for our mistakes. All so that we could be with God now and forever in His presence.
Merry Christmas!